Chandigarh Cancer and Diagnostic Centre we provide in-house laboratory diagnostic facilities of the Rapid Access Clinic led by Dr. Jatin Sarin, a Consultant Medical Oncologist who also specializes in the following areas of treatment:
- All solid and haematologic malignancies in adult as well as pediatric cases.
- Benign haematologic conditions such as aplastic anaemia, ITP, hemophagocytic diseases, PNH, DIC etc.
- Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
- Assessment and rapid diagnosis of possible carcinoma
Dr. Sarin works as part of a multidisciplinary team that includes Consultant Surgical oncologist, Radiation oncologist and Oncogynae Surgeon who together provide comprehensive cancer treatment.
At Rapid Access Clinic provides all of the following diagnostic services to the visiting patients or as required, referral for surgery or treatment:
- Specialist radiology (X-rays, ultrasounds, MRI, PET and CT scans, NMR) – Referral
- All types of blood testing
- Tissue sampling- Biopsy processing, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, molecular diagnostics;
- Slide and block review.
- Endoscopy , colonoscopy- Referral
- Port flushing
- Ascitic and pleural fluid tapping
- Intra spinal injections
- Managing post- chemotherapy complications in Day care.