September is Celebrated as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month!To support the cause, Chandigarh Cancer & Diagnostics Center brings you the opportunity for online video consultation.Never miss your screening. Stay Home, Stay SafeFor AppointmentCall @ +919872533670 or contact us @ jatinsarin@yahoo.comTime: 5:00 Pm to 7:00 PMConsultation Charges…
Bone Health
Understand the bone health in cancer patients with Dr. Jatin Sarin. “One of the prevalent long-term sequelae of cancer therapy is osteoporosis. A skeletal disorder characterized by alterations in bone strength (bone density and quality), osteoporosis predisposes a person to an increased risk of fractures.”…
Liquid biopsy
When a person gets first inkling that he might be suffering from cancer, the first fear that crops up in mind is that of biopsy. Many patients refuse to revisit the hospital or undergo further course for the fear of biopsy. For such patients a…
Genetic Testing
FOR BREAST CANCER- You should consider genetic counseling if: You or your blood relatives on either your mother’s or father’s side has had breast cancer diagnosed before age 50. There is both breast and ovarian cancer in your family,particularly in single individual. You are of…
Health Screening
Early detection of disease is the key to the treatment success, recovery, and good health. At CCDC, we offer one-stop advanced and comprehensive health and cancer screening of the people of all ages and gender. We strive to detect any signs of cancer in the…